Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Home Gym Setup Essentials

Creating an effective home gym on a budget is not completely impossible. There are many tools out there that are relatively cheap, easy to transport, and highly effective.
There are a few Must haves - I'll try to provide Links when possible -
1. TRX PRO From Fitness Anywhere

Fitness Anywhere: Make your body your machine.

2. 65 CM Ball - a Ball and TRX are probably the best tools for core training available and they are relatively inexpensive for the value they provide.

3. Dumbbells - 5lb and up usually in 5 lb increments -

4. Rubber Tubes -HEAVY, MEDIUM, LIGHT. These are great ! They can typically take the place of a weight stacked gym for most peoples needs. You can hook them up to any door frame with the attachment they provide and do many exercises such as rows, triceps push downs, biceps curls, shoulder press, internal/external rotation (good for rotator cuff), etc...

5. Foam Roll - Great for Self Myofacial Release stretching. Perfect for Sciatica problems, back issues, IT Band Stretching and upper back posture.

6. I think an
indo board is a great idea as well - I personally like the Rasta Color the best.

7. A Step Stretch is a good idea too. Great to keep the Gastroc's moving and preventing Knee problems, back problems, plantar fasciitis.

8. Perfect Pushups/Pullups - They actually do work! I couldn't believe it myself, but it does work!

9. A Pullup bar is also a good idea not only for pullups, but to stretch as well.

Of course a cardio piece is recommended depending on what you like to do, and what kind of time you have available. I personally try to get on my bike outdoors as much as possible or run for my cardio - but, I live in Southern California where that is possible on most days. Treadmills are great, spinning bikes are excellent, and ellipticals are a good idea especially to prevent any joint pain.
Here is our gym

Here are some pics from a really sweet home gym of one of my clients' -

1 comment:

  1. Nice post...I have gone through your blog. The information you have given are really informative.

    Gym in Mohali


New TRX Video

Fitness Anywhere Video