Saturday, February 28, 2009

50miles on the Road Bike

That's Ron In Front of me - on our way down PCH to Trancas for a cup of coffee (even though coffee isn't the best thing to be drinking on a long ride as I have discovered from first hand experience).

Yes, It is too bright for those glasses, but I was in a rush to get out of the garage this morning and didn't have time to change the lenses. There's Marshall and Mark behind me. Once Marshall saw I was taking pics, he pulled his camera out and we had an extreme photo session. We are like a bunch of girls out there!

It was a beautiful day out there today. I probably could have prepped more by drinking more water yesterday since I felt a bit "off" all morning. I'm blaming it on water - or lack there of.
I could also blame it on my hairy legs too. I see all these bike riders out there with shaved legs and I always wonder "does that help?" I am getting ready for a 100 mile ride (century) in solvang in a couple of weeks, and I'm actually considering shaving my tree trunks. I'm not sure why, but maybe it would help get me through the 100 miles. That's just what riders do, so maybe I should. Surfers don't do that though, and I surf. I'm confused.

Coming home, I was on my own. I left starbucks at Trancas without the other three guys I was with, and decided to climb encinal canyon. It got hot out there, and as my legs felt like they were going to fall off, but I made it, and enjoyed a fast decent into westlake down Decker. Hidden Valley was absolutely gorgeous today with so much green from all the rain we have had recently.

All in all, it was a successful day. Some tough climbing with some great riders.

Fitness Anywhere

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